Finding Home

When her mother fails to come for her on the last day of school, 10 year old Cara Blue disappears into the country to the seeming safety of her beloved grandmother and great-aunt. With the help of a magical 60 year old stuffed bear, she time travels from the summer of 1960 back to 1900-20 in search of the lost island of their childhood. As her adventures take her deeper into the wild, Cara comes to understand the mysteries of her own lost self as she uncovers the buried stories of the two old women she loves. The story is told through layers of time and of awareness. With its lyric language and intriguing double focus on lives old and young, Finding Home will appeal to readers from juvenile to young adult.

Waneva Books
First Edition, 2014
ISBN 978-0-9939933-0-5
Electronic Format, 2014
ISBN 978-0-9698211-9-9

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